Electronic medical records: income and franchise tax credits health care providers may claim for hardware or software sunsetted [Sec. 1345, 1396, 1432] - Act 20
Estate tax sunsetted [Sec. 1453f] - Act 20
Farmland preservation grants program created, FTE positions transfer provision; farmland preservation tax credit sunsetted [Sec. 202u, 1277g, 1434t, 1437e, 1440cm, 1587p-pd, q-w, 9137 (2L)] [vetoed] - Act 20
HIRSP and Authority dissolved; final report and LAB audits required; Medicare supplement and replacement policy issuance provision [Sec. 1g, 6f, 27b, pr-s, 49m-r, 54c, s, 65am, p, 67d-h, j, 68c, 91c, 92c, 102c, 118c-122j, 138m, 155d, 204g, 344v, 515c, 530c, 709c, 1210c, 1278r, 1344df-e, 1372c, 1395eh-es, 1431eg, em, 1438c, 1440c, d, 1473c-f, 1488c, 1599n, 1900n, 1971n, 1998u, 2017m, p, 2264s, 2265ab-c, m-z, 2266j, n, 2267e, 2318h, 9122 (1L), (1m), 9337 (4L), 9422 (1L), (1m), 9437 (4L), (4n)] [9122 (1L) -- partial veto] - Act 20
Nonprofit organizations that provide financial or other services to veterans and their families: DVA grant program established, sunset provision; record-keeping and audit requirements for any recipient of a DVA grant that is not an individual - Act 190
Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] - Act 20
UW prohibition on being a member, partner, or shareholder in organizations providing telecommunications services: exception for organization that advances research or higher education, other criteria specified; DOA secretary duty [Sec. 605g-608b] - Act 20
UW System general program revenue transferred to HEAB for Wisconsin higher education grants, sunset provision; HEAB may transfer certain moneys between fiscal years [Sec. 224d, f, g, 250h, i, 695e, f, 9419 (1e)] - Act 20
Veteran employment grants created, tax credits sunsetted [Sec. 375v, 1348bn, c, 1398g, h, 1434g, h, 1714d, 2366] - Act 20
Workplace wellness program grants created re small businesses; definitions, appropriation, and sunset provisions - Act 137
supervised releaseSupervised release, see Sex crimes
supplemental nutrition assistance program _snap_Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), see Food stamp plan
Appropriation lapse for the 2013-15 fiscal biennium [Sec. 2364m] - Act 20
Election of chief justice: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR57] - JR16
State law librarian salary set by the Supreme Court [Sec. 493, 496] - Act 20
Entertainer surety bond revised; travel expenses provision - Act 349
surety bondsSurety bonds, see Sureties
surveillanceSurveillance, see Privacy
surveying and surveyorsSurveying and surveyors
Certified survey map ordinance or resolution may divide land into more than 4 parcels without the division being a subdivision; conditions and extraterritorial plat provisions; DOA and DOT review required under certain conditions - Act 272
``Land surveying" replaced with ``practice of professional land surveying" and definition revised; license replaces certificate of registration; examining board and section names changed; apprenticeship path to licensure eliminated; certain registration exemptions eliminated; other revisions re town survey to erect monuments, cemetery authority plat or map, ordinary high water mark included on certain maps or plats, subdivision plats, certified survey maps, and recording certain plats - Act 358
Surveying reference station system: DOT to administer, fee provision [Sec. 331, 517, 1581] - Act 20
swanson, robert sSwanson, Robert S.
Life and public service of former UW--Stout chancellor commended upon his death [AJR7] - JR3
swib _state of wisconsin investment board_SWIB (State of Wisconsin Investment Board), see Investment Board
swoboda, lary jSwoboda, Lary J.
Life and public service [AJR69] - JR18
symbols, stateSymbols, State
Kringle designated as the state pastry; Blue Book provisions [Sec. 1b, c] - Act 20
tanf _temporary assistance for needy families_TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), see Public assistance
tax appeals commissionTax Appeals Commission
Appeal of certain Tax Appeals Commission decisions may be made in circuit court where the taxpayer owns property or transacts business [Sec.1287j, 1500b] - Act 20
Fees imposed by political subdivisions: appeal to Tax Appeals Commission provisions created [Sec. 1277e-eg, 9329 (3u)] - Act 20
tax incremental district _tid_Tax incremental district (TID), see Property tax
tax incremental financing _tif_Tax incremental financing (TIF), see Property tax
taxationTaxation, see also specific tax
Delinquent ad valorem taxes owed by telephone companies and public utilities: DOR may use same methods for collecting delinquent income taxes [Sec. 1467, 1474] - Act 20
DOR may enter into agreements with other states for reciprocal offsetting of tax and nontax obligations [Sec. 1456] - Act 20
DOR may write off tax and fee liabilities it determines are not collectable [Sec. 1454] - Act 20
Ferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process created; nonferrous metallic mining regulations and permit process revised; DNR, wetlands, water, mining waste, fees, occupational tax, utility facility approvals, and local impact committee provisions - Act 1
LAB financial auditing duties revised including eliminating certain audits; confidentiality of reports to the state fraud, waste, and mismanagement hotline; and access to tax records maintained by DOR; JLAC provision - Act 8
Premier resort area: Village of Stockholm allowed to become and tax increase permitted, referendum provisions [Sec. 1277m-me, 1503g, h, 9437 (3L)] - Act 20
Refund setoff hierarchy established for state debt collection program and tax refund intercept program [Sec. 1451-1453, 9437 (4)] - Act 20
Single-owner entities disregarded as separate entities for income tax purposes: sales and use tax provisions apply to room tax, local food and beverage tax, local rental car tax, and state rental vehicle fee [Sec. 1277, 1502, 1503, 1504, 9437 (3)] - Act 20
UI law revisions; delinquent payment of unemployment insurance contributions; penalties and report provisions; JRCCP report [partial veto] - Act 36
taxation _ sharedTaxation -- Shared, see Shared revenue
Collaborative content delivery and online instruction between schools: DPI may not require a licensed teacher or instructional staff to be physically present [Sec. 1736] - Act 20
Educator effectiveness: certain charter schools allowed to use alternative method; credentialed school principal from another state may be granted an initial charter school principal license - Act 258
Educator effectiveness evaluation system: DPI may charge fee to use and award grants to implement [Sec. 227, 231, 243, 1748, 1749] - Act 20
Substitute teaching and paraprofessional staffing services for a special education program: school district, county, and CESA may use state special education aid to contract with a public or private agency to provide - Act 255
Teach for America, Inc.: DPI to provide funding to [Sec. 248, 1738] - Act 20
teacher _ certificateTeacher -- Certificate
Charter school teaching license created [Sec. 1731] - Act 20
Educator effectiveness: certain charter schools allowed to use alternative method; credentialed school principal from another state may be granted an initial charter school principal license - Act 258
Grants to teachers rated ``effective" or ``highly effective" by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards must maintain that rating to continue eligibility [Sec. 1750, 1751e, 9334 (2)] - Act 20
Parental choice program expansion; teacher licensure and school accreditation revisions; DPI and State Superintendent of Public Instruction duties [Sec. 235, 244m, 245, 1829-1848t, 1852m, 1855m, r, 1856g, m, w, 1857db-m, 1859m, 1876dp, 9134 (3c), (6q)] [1844e, 1848d, h, 1857e, m, 1876dp -- partial veto] - Act 20
State Superintendent of Public Instruction to promulgate rule that applicants for teaching license are required to provide his or her home address [Sec. 1731m] - Act 20
Teaching experience gained while holding an emergency permit to count toward getting a license [Sec. 1758] - Act 20
Teaching license: Foundations of Reading examination requirement delayed [Sec. 2365r] - Act 20
Teaching online courses in public and charter schools: repeal related professional development requirement; virtual charter school provision [Sec. 1757, 1808, 1879] - Act 20
technical collegeTechnical college
Career and technical education incentive grants created; DPI to award to school districts after conferring with DWD and TCS; appropriation provided - Act 59
Service members given priority when registering for courses at any UW campus or technical college - Act 56
Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] - Act 20
Technical college district boards: threshold for referendum approval of capital expenditures revised re federal funds [Sec. 615g, r] - Act 20
Technical college state aid formula replaced with a performance based formula, reports required and JCF duties [Sec. 257, 641-646, 648, 1993] [646 -- partial veto] - Act 20
Technical Excellence Higher Education Scholarship Program created; recipients are not eligible for an Academic Excellence Higher Education Scholarship - Act 60
Veteran higher education fee remission program revisions [Sec. 593-600, 629-636, 9343 (2), 9348 (1)] - Act 20
Workforce Advancement Training Program expanded - Act 328
Workforce training program: grant appropriation increased; DWD required to use funds for reducing waiting lists for certain technical college programs, collaborative projects among school districts, technical colleges, and businesses, and enhancing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through public and private organizations; DWD budget request provision - Act 139
technical college system boardTechnical College System Board
County tax levy rate limit and technical college levy rate limit eliminated [Sec. 616, 627, 1244, 9343 (1)] - Act 20
Driver education courses required to incorporate hazards posed by motor vehicles to vulnerable highway users, definition provision - Act 253
Tax revisions re lowest individual income tax bracket, technical college district property tax relief aid and tax levy, depletion, carry-back and carry-forward of net operating loss, jobs tax credit, relocated business deduction or tax credit, manufacturing and agriculture credit, research credit, state historic rehabilitation credit, electronic medical records tax credit, and sales and use tax exemption for tangible personal property used in commercial printing - Act 145
TCS Board appropriations consolidated, incentive grants provisions; annual report describing moneys distributed to district boards required [Sec. 253-256, 258-271, 611-614, 637-640m, 647, 649-659m, 9443 (1)] - Act 20
TCS Board: use of levy for payments on noncapital notes [Sec. 618e, m, 1277p] - Act 20